Nefeli, in Greek mythology,
was a cloud nymph, a minor female nature deity. It was also the name of
our guide in Cyprus .
Nefeli was a good guide. She had
a handsome middle-aged Greek lady face, which when translated
meant a trifle severe and scary when she was not smiling. And she was
definitely not smiling the moment we arrived at Ancient Amathunta
(Amathus) when everyone disappeared to take pictures, and she was left
with just 2-3 of us in tow. Nefeli was
a good guide because she cared, and rightfully fumed ! "We can start
now," I said in my most conciliatory tone of voice, "not everyone's
interested in the history." She would have none of it and the group was
assembled and roundly given a talking-to ! Guides the world over,
alas, have to undergo the same baptism of being ignored by
the H K tourists !
Limassol, the second largest
city in Cyprus ,
was built between two ancient cities, Amathus and Kourion. Amathus was
built by the Argives in 1100 BC, and is one of the most significant
ancient city kingdoms of Cyprus .
Excavations have revealed the ruins of the Temple of Aphrodite
, the acropolis, and the upper and lower city. It was here that the world's
largest stone vase was found, which is now in the Louvre
Museum in Paris
Kourion was named by the
Argives after Kourea, son of the mythical King Kinyras. The city has passed
through Hellenistic, Roman and Christian periods, evidenced by such
features as the large Agora (market place) , big public baths equipped
with cold, warm and hot spas , and a Christian Basilica with a baptistery
attached to the north face. A national treasure of Cyprus , it's a huge site and not
much shade, there were canopies but only to cover the ruins to
protect them from the weather elements ; but the pathways and viewing platforms
were good.
As most of the treasures from
Kourion were looted by America and Britain and are now in the New York
Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Semitic Museum at Harvard University, and the
British Museum (minus the thousands of pieces in Standford University that were
destroyed during the earthquake of 1906) , all that's left for
us to see here in Cyprus were several houses and their mosaics floors,
which couldn't be removed easily. The most notable were:
The House of Eustolios (5th
century AD), once a private Roman villa later turned into a public recreation
center, it contains a complex of baths and a number of rooms with superb mosaic
The House of Achilles ( 4th
century AD), thought to be a reception centre
the House of the Gladiators
(3rd century AD), so named because some of its mosaics depict gladiators
Much of the mosaics and Roman writings had Christian
symbols and references, as Christianity was in vogue in the then Roman Empire .
The Greco-Roman Kourion
Ancient Amphitheater sits 2000 spectators. It was destroyed a few times by
earthquakes, but after centuries of neglect, was recently completely
restored for the benefit of tourists. Once
an arena for gladiators, it is now the perfect setting for open air concerts
and theatrical performances. The theater is built circular, with a hole in the
middle of the stage. The actors would stand at the spot, the sound of their
voice would bounce off the seats with a stereo effect, so everyone in the
audience can hear. It is now one of the venues for the International Festival
of Ancient Greek Drama.
Worship had began in the Temple of Apollo (called Hylates in
Cyprus) as early as the 8th century and continued until the 4th century
AD, when it was destroyed when a series of 5 strong earthquakes hit
the city in a period of 80 years . Originally the sanctuary
complex includes the Temple
of Apollo , a circular
monument probably destined for procession or dances, an Archaic Altar , a
central courtyard, palaestra, stoa, the treasury and the baths. Just to show how serious Apollo worship was at that
time, there's a cape nearby from which sacrilegious offenders who had dared to
touch the altar of Apollo were thrown into the sea
All monuments are in
limestone as there's no marble in Cyprus . Limassol's quite near to
Akrotiri, the British Western Sovereign Military Base. " How many British
soldiers are stationed here ib Cyprus
?" I asked Nefeli. " Several thousand, perhaps," she's not
particularly interested" We don't mix, they don't leave the base."
" Even their families?" " Well, they take sightseeing holidays
around Cyprus ,
sure, but they've got shops and schools and everything on the base."
There're actually two British
Military bases in Cyprus ,
the other one's at Dhekelia near Larnaca. Britain
retained sovereignty over the bases under the 1960 Treaty of Independence, when
Cyprus gained independence
from the British Empire . The strategic
location of Cyprus at
the crossroads of three continents, and being close to the Suez Canal and the
Middle East, makes it an ideal staging post (the 'unsinkable aircraft carrier'
) for British military aircraft and forces sent to locations in the Middle East
and Asia . The of course there're the
intelligent gathering operations conducted there. In Dec 2012 , after a
rumor that the bases would be closed due to budget cuts,
the UK Secretary of State for Defense in a written statement to the
lower house reiterated " The Sovereign Base areas are in a region of
geopolitical importance and high priority for the United Kingdoms's long term
national interests......" Just how important the bases are, was revealed
by US whistle blower Edward
The Guardian newspaper, the
German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung, the Greek Daily Ta Nea and the Greek channel
Alpha TV all claimed : Cyprus
is a key site for the mass internet surveillance systems operated by Britain and the US in
the Middle East and surrounding regions. Undersea cable maps show Cyprus ' at the hub of numerous fiber-optic
undersea cables, the most significant are the cables connecting Cyprus to Israel ,
Syria , Lebanon , Egypt
, North Africa and Turkey ,
obvious targets for Anglo-American spying. Vast quantities of e-mails, phone
calls and web traffic carried on these cables were intercepted by Ayios
Nikolaos Intelligence Station, part of the British Eastern Sovereign Base
Area. This is made easy as the Treaty granting Cyprus independence from
Britain included a special clause, section 6, which states that Cyprus must
"consult and assist" Britain in all its telecommunications matters,
i.e. Cyprus Telecommunications Authority is legally obliged to assist the
British Intelligence bases.
On behalf of the US
Intelligence Agencies, Britain has instituted a project called "
Mastery of the Internet"( according to Snowden, £39.9 million
was funded by NSA in 2010 ) and has been spying on foreign (including
European) government leaders ; foreign embassies; United Nations agencies
; private companies ; police forces; military and political
organisations. It's claimed currently Britain does more Internet
monitoring even than the US National security Agency (NSA). In 2011 the
Guardian reported NSA paid ' half the costs of one of the UK 's main eavesdropping capabilities in Cyprus " This is not new as since
1974 NSA has repeatedly been paying Britain
( constantly strapped for money) to keep the Cyprus bases open. A Snowden
document, viewed by Sueddeutsche Zeitung journalists, claims NSA officers
dressed as tourists are working alongside British intelligence on the
base, in violation to the British-Cyprus agreement.
Relationship between the
Cypriots and the British Military has never been a bed of roses. In 2001
violent protests broke out at the bases by angry locals against the
construction of radio masts to upgrade the British military post, citing harm
to health and wildlife in the area. In Nov 2009, BBC news
reported a diplomatic row between Britain
and Cyprus after the British
High Commissioner Peter Millett unveiled and laid down a wreath at a new
memorial in Kyrenia, in Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus , on Remembrance Sunday. More
British soldiers were killed during the " Cyprus Emergency" between
1956 and 1959 than have died in Iraq
and Afghanistan ( Cyprus deaths - 371; Iraq
- 179 ; Afghanistan
- 235). President Demetris Christofias raised the matter with the
then UK
Prime Minister Gordon Brown. The Cyprus High Commissioner to London
later said not to have consulted the Cyprus
government was insensitive, to built the memorial in the occupied part of Cyprus was an
insult. In Dec 2013 British soldiers and military police clashed again with
protesters at the Akrotiri base over the construction of yet another new
communication antennae, presumably in response to a recent British
Intelligence document which argued "the Cyprus operations have to
remained resourced and equipped...... to maintain healthy relationships with
USA customers". 40 policemen were injured in the incident, which Foreign Secretary
Jack Straw condemned as " completely unacceptable". Squabbles're
expected to escalate now that British spying's indisputable. In August 2012 the
Cypriot Government demanded an official explanation from the British Foreign
Ministry after the Sunday Times reported that the British Sovereign Bases in Cyprus collected intelligence on Syrian army
movements, which they then channeled through Turkey to Syrian rebel forces. A
year later in August 2013, Cypriot and British media both speculated that
long-range ballistic missiles ( potentially could deliver chemical weapons)
from Syria in retaliation of
British involvement against the Bashar Al Assad regime utilizing Akrotiri and
Dhekelia bases could seriously hurt Cyprus . Far-fetched ? It just
reflects the sentiment of the general public.
En-route from Limassol to Paphos , in the
middle of the sea are 3 huge limestone rocks collectively known as
the Aphrodite Rock, the mythical birthplace of Aphrodite, the Greek
Goddess of love and beauty. When Gaia ( Mother Earth) asked one of her
sons, Cronus, to mutilate his father Uranus ( sky), Cronus cut off Uranus'
testicles and threw them into the sea. A white foam appeared from which a
maiden arose. She sailed to the shore on a shell towed by dolphins, and rested
in the nearby area of Palaipathos where a temple was built to honor
her. The maiden was named Aphrodite by the Greeks but referred to as
Venus by the Romans. This was the most famous and important site for worshiping
Aphrodite in the ancient world, and attracted a huge cult following until it
was crushed by the Romans. A local myth circulates that any person who swims
around the Aphrodite Rock will be blessed with eternal beauty.
An alternative name for the
rocks is Petra
tou Romiou ( Rock of the Greek). This is associated with
the legendary soldier of Byzantine times, the hero Basil as told in the
Digenes Akritas. Basil was half-Greek and half-Arabic, hence the name
Digenes (two-blood). Legend tells that Basil hurled the huge rock ( Petra ) from the Troodos Mountains
at the marauding Saracens during an attack to keep them at bay.
Paphos is a coastal city and abounds in sea food restaurants. In
Greco-Roman times it was the island's capital. Paphos is in the official
UNESCO list of cultural and natural treasures of the world's heritage and has
recently been selected as the European Capital of Culture for 2017. The economy
of Paphos depends largely on tourism, and the sights are the nearby Aphrodite
Rock, the Saranda Kolones ( Forty Columns) and the nearby Crusader Knights Tower , Tomb of the Kings, Ayia
Kyriaki Chrysopolitissa
Church and St Paul 's pillar.
North of Paphos is the Byzantine Castle
built by the King of Cyprus presumably in the late 7th century AD to
protect the port and city from Arab attacks. An earthquake which struck the
area in 1223 caused extensive damage, and the ruins became known as Saranda
Kolones ( Forty Columns) because of the large number of granite
columns scattered there. This area could be part of an ancient market. Recent
excavation shows a square fortress with a round tower at each corner. It was
surrounded by a moat and access was by a wooden bridge over the moat. The
excavation area's quite extensive, including the ruins of Lusignan Castle .
By the end of the 13th
century the Crusader Knights were all expelled from the Holy Land and took
refuge in Cyprus .
King Henry II granted the Knights fiefdom in the southern part of the
island. They built a tower ( resembling that of Safita in Syria ) at the
centre of an enclosure which included a sugar cane factory and wine cellars and
did very well for themselves .
Just behind the seafront is
the Ayia Kyriaki Catholic Church. It was built as a Latin Church in
the 13th century over the ruins of a Byzantine basilica destroyed by an
earthquake. St. Paul and St. Barnabas
visited Cyprus in 45 AD
(Acts 13 verses 5-12) and tradition has it that St. Paul was flogged on a
pillar near this church by the Roman Governor of Paphos, Sergius Paulus. St Paul later succeeded in converting him, making him
the first Christian ruler and Cyprus
the first Christian country.This church is, therefore, often known as "The
Church by St. Paul 's
Pillar". What is special about this church is besides the
Catholic services, the Anglican Church , the Latin Church and the Orthodox
Church all use this building for functions.
The cemetery was used during
the Hellenistic and Ptolemaic periods. Due to their monumental character, the
tombs are described as "royal"but in fact kings were never buried
here, only the rich citizens and high officials of the Ptolemaic state. The
architecture of the underground funerary monuments imitates that of the houses
of the same period . They consist of a stepped dromos, a central atrium and
burial chambers provided with many loculi for single burials. Often the tombs
are plastered and covered with frescoes. In many cases, entrances to the
various loculi imitate temple facades.
After lunch by the
sea we were given some free time, I wandered into an Exhibition
Hall where paintings and handicrafts by local artists were on sale.
Sitting at a desk piled with books was a large Englishman. I could
never go pass a book stand without fingering the books. "
It this any good?" I picked up a book called The Hated. " I sure hope
so, I wrote it ! " Mark Cotton fell backwards laughing." I believe
you !"I said hurriedly" Why is it called The Hated ?""
Well, it's about the paratroopers and their operations" " And people
hate the paratroopers ?" " Everybody hates the paratroopers
!"Mick Cotton said almost defensively. Mick was of course previously in
the British Army, well no, he's never been stationed in H K, but he's served in
Belfast , Rhodesia and many other
There must have been a time
when soldering, particularly in a place like Cyprus , was great fun. These
are some of the advice British Ministry of Defense gives new
recruits in its Cyprus Posting, and I quote word for word :
Lots of swimwear - Because of
the time spent in the swimming pool and in the sea, swimwear takes a battering
and the sun does something to the elastic.
BBQ - Invaluable, but can be
bought on the island at reasonable prices .
Bicycles - There are great
opportunities for biking, both flat and mountainous terrain.
Skiing clothes - Needed in
winter up at Troodos ( normally plenty of snow for skiing ).
Cool box- Ideal for the
beach, but can be bought cheaply on the island.
Garden furniture - You will
get lots of use out of it. Plastic furniture can be bought cheaply in Cyprus .
The new-comers might well be
warned that as of 2012, cyclists are subjected to breath-analyser tests just
like motorists, drunken cyclists'll be fined up to 1,700 Euro and/or
imprisonment up to two years. Fooling around on a bicycle'll also be banned
under the new law as riders're required to keep both hands on the handlebars,
except where it's necessary to use hand signals. In addition cyclists'll be barred
from carrying a second person on their bike and talking on the phone while
cycling. The penalty for violation will be 500 Euro or jail for 15 days.
At least the soldiers're
getting their monthly cheque, not so for Mike and the 26,659 ( 2011
census) Brits who were lured to relocate in Cyprus . British nationals are
the biggest group of expats living in Cyprus . Since the
economic meltdown, unemployment rate in Cyprus rose from 5% to over 20% (
50% among the young), the number of Cypriots relying on food parcels rose to
40,000, and soup kitchens sprang up in many parishes. All Brits and British businesses in Cyprus had
their own tales of financial woe and cash nightmares.
Again it's Chinese to the rescue. The Cyprus Government has liberated
the Foreign Direct Investment Policy and simplified administrative procedures,
so all foreign ( including non EU) investors can establish business in Cyprus on equal
terms with local investors. A"
Cyprus-China Business Association" was set up, and Andis Nathanael ( Head
of the Association) told the Cyprus News Agency direct investment from China has
jumped. By the end of July 2012, China 's
non-financial investment to Cyprus
amounted to US $ 17.4 million, and ; over the same period, the accumulative
amount of engineering project contract signed by Chinese companies in Cyprus is
US$ 235 million, and the accumulative turnover is US $ 265 million. The
purchase of the Hong Kong based ' China Glory National Investment' of the Venus
Rock Golf Resort in Pathos has been hailed as an example of what the Chinese
officials had applauded as the growing link between China and Cyprus. Of course
Cyprus in turn is well
placed to bridge the gap between China
and Europe . The company has pledged to
invest € 1.5 billion in the Golf Resort, and it has already
opened an office in Nicosia .
Expected Government revenue for the initial state of this investment amounted
to € 40 million, and upon completion of the works in the next
three years, revenue will reach € 400 million. This project would
also create jobs for over a thousand Cypriots, so it came as no surprise
the Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiadis personally received the delegation led
by Mr Charles Zhang, President of the Chinese company.
Further a new policy
allowing foreign property buyers to obtain Permanent Residence in Cyprus was
implemented. With a minimum investment of €300,000 on a property, the
applicants must also prove they have no criminal record, in good financial
standing and agree to deposit €30,000 for a minimum of three years in a local
bank account. The permit normally arrives in about 45 days after completion of
the deal. Chinese make up the bulk of all the applicants . The opportunity to secure permanent
residency in an EU member state is a huge attraction for China 's 1.4 million millionaires because it
offers them visa-free travel throughout the Union .
Since the announcement in 2011 Chinese
visitors to Cyprus
increased by 45 % in a year and property prices which have fallen by
around 15% since 2007 saw a re-invigoration. An official survey found that
there's a 15% increase in property sales in 2012, most occurred after the terms of application was clarified
in August - more than 600
properties were sold to Chinese buyers alone between August and October
2012. Ninety % of the property sales were in Paphos . However
most properties the Chinese have bought stood empty and locked.
It has been estimated that
around US $225bn (£144bn) a year has been pouring out of China since worries
spread about slower economic growth and falls in the value of stock and
property in China, closely following the US and EU financial crises. Cypriot
developers have astutely positioned themselves in the path of this river of
cash. One of the first billboards
one sees after landing in Larnaca
Airport is an advert for
a property development company - in Chinese. The Paphos Mayor Savvas
Vergas said the theme of the coming Paphos Carnival would be on China ,"
Everything will be Chinese "he promised. The China Daily newspaper
reported that Cyprus
was the most prominent foreign exhibitor in the Beijing International Property
Autumn Expo 2012, taking 32 stands !
The church Agia Paraskevi (a
Christian martyr) is in the village of
Geroskipou (meaning sacred
garden), 3.5 kilometers east of Paphos, is one of the
most significant example of Byzantine churches in Cyprus . It was
built in the form of a barrel-vaulted basilica with five cupolas placed in the
shape of a cross. It dates back to the 9th century AD and some of its
beautiful frescoes are of the oldest in Cyprus .
Geroskipou village still has
some pretty garden areas around the main square, it's is quiet
and restful, with quaint local shops.
The Folk Art Museum is housed
in a traditional 18th century building once belonged to Andreas Zimboulakis,
who was appointed British Consular agent by the British Admiral Sir Sydney
Smith in 1811 to protect British interests. It was bought by the
Department of Antiquities in 1947 and turned into a Folk Art Museum
in 1978. The Museum exhibits traditional daily Cypriot life.
Larnaca is the third
largest city on the southern coast of Cyprus
after Nicosia
and Limassol, and has always been a commercial port. In Venetian
times, it was the port from which salt made at a nearby salt lake was
shipped. It's famous for its picturesque seafront with rows of palm trees.
St Lazarus Church was
named after Lazarus of Bethany, who was raised from the dead by Jesus as
recounted in the Gospel of John. I've always wondered what happened to him
after that as no more was said of him in the Bible. Now I know, because
according to Orthodox tradition, a short time after the resurrection of Jesus,
Lazarus fled to Cyprus
because his life was threatened in Judea .
In Cyprus
he was appointed by Paul and Barnabas to be the first Bishop of Kiton
( present day Larnaca). He lived for thirty more years and after his death was
buried in Larnaca for the second and last time. St Lazarus Church was built over his
I always tell patients who's
recovered from a serious illness, now that they've been given a
second chance, they mustn't blow it. "Do something good,
something you can be proud of with this second life !" But too often
patients are so preoccupied and anxious of their health the extra years they've
been given are spent solely on looking after their body; they remain
frightened and inward-looking, there's no personal or spiritual growth.
Unfortunately no matter how much care they bestow upon themselves, they'll
eventually die anyway just as Lazarus did. The reality is we don't actually own
anything in life, everything we have are on loan, even our body, and we have
absolutely no control over any of it. The money I've today could all be gone
tomorrow, the arm I call mine today could be amputated and in an incinerator
tomorrow. A Buddhist teaching I once read explain old age and diseases that
wrinkle, wither and mutilate our body are in fact Heavenly Mercies, as all
these changes would make it easier for us to relinquish our body when the time
Panagia Aggeloktists ( Our
Lady, built by the Angels) is a 11th century church built over the ruins of a
5th century Christian basilica, in the village of Kiti
in Larnaca. According to local legend citizens of Kition escaped to Kiti to
evade Arab invasion. While in Kito they decided to build a church to honor the
Virgin ( Panagia ). While
building the church, they found the foundations had moved to a new
location overnight, and the building went up faster than they were building
it. The mystery was solved when they found an army of Angels
descended from Heaven in the night to build the church, hence the name
Aggeloktists ( built by Angels). The church is famous for the wall mosaic of Panagia tis Aggeloktists ( Virgin
and Child between two Archangels ) and frescoes of the 13th century.
Nefeli was a heavy smoker,
but took care never to smoke while she's working. We were given some free time
in Panagia Aggeloktists, and I
found her taking her break on a bench in the churchyard, puffing at a
cigarette. We had a chitchat ." Do many here smoke?" I asked."
Yeah, Cyprus
has the third highest % of smokers per population in the world" On
top there's no minimum age to smoking here and cigarettes are €4 per pack. The
average wage was US 1,200."Can you tell just by looking at or
talking to a person to know whether he/she's Greek or Cypriot ?"
" Sure, easily, there're subtle differences in the style of clothing and the
words used that give them away" then she lamented" We used to get a
lot of Greek tourists in Cyprus ,
but since the Greek recession the numbers' dropped drastically"
Tourism's Cyprus '
biggest industry, the peak season's from March to November. Cyprus is
visited by 2.5 million tourists each year, three-times the size of its
population. Cyprus
also has some light industry in leather and textile, and food production in
dairy products, wine, fruit juices and olive oil. I also learnt that at this
time (just before the crisis broke) building cost for houses were €900 per
meter, most Cypriots own their houses. Rentals for a two bed-room apartment was
€600-700 depending on size.
Tony the driver spoke
excellent English." Tony, are you British ?"" No, I'm Cypriot
!" " But you must have lived in England at one time, that accent's
spot on !" Tony had in fact lived more than 30 years in England . His
father was a mechanic in the British Army Base in Cyprus , and when his army unit returned to England ,
he went with them, taking Tony with him. Tony was maybe 6. That makes Tony
a British Cypriot, alongside George Michael and Cat Stevens. "Why did you opt to come back
after 30 years ?" " Life is good here, look at the sun, the sea
, who wouldn't want to live in Cyprus
? " Aha ! I'm familiar with the sales pitch, used frequently by
agents promoting ' home in the sun' to Brits :" Cyprus enjoys an idyllic
Mediterranean lifestyle, the perfect balance between work and relaxation; 340
days of sunshine a year and some of the most welcoming people in the
world........... call Aphrodite now !" At least Tony's set up
nicely. He's married 5 years now to an Ukrainian waitress he'd met in a
diner, and had a child 8 years old from her previous marriage.
'Judging from your girth you must frequent a lot of diners !'
the thought popped into my head before I could stop it. " Wow! You're
so lucky Tony, Ukrainian women are very beautiful !" I said,
mentally wiping the mean thought from my mind."You know, I wish I'd
waited, because later I found out girls from Belarus 're even prettier !"
Turns out I was right to be mean after all !
We visited 3 typical Cypriot
Lefkara the beautiful (
Lefka- white, ori-hill) in the Larnaca district, is named for the white of
its silica and limestone, and is famous for its lace and silver handicrafts.
Today groups of women still sit in the narrow cobbled streets, working on their
embroidery as they have for centuries. The
houses're from the late 19th century Ottoman period, with flat rammed-
earth roofs, rooms layout around an inner courtyard and bare stone facades with
few windows. All the previous Turkish Cypriot occupiers left their properties
in 1964 because of sectarian violence, only the houses bear witness to bygone
I went into a shop to look at
some earrings and there was Dune. Dune's Vietnamese, 22 years old and had been
in Cyprus
3 years 10 months. She's one of 7,102 ( 2012 census) migrant workers from Vietnam , but the largest group of migrant
workers're from the Philippines
and numbered 9,744. Cyprus
has the largest number of foreign nationals in all of the EU countries, 24% of
the total population (1 in 5) according to census in 2012. Since the economic bankruptcy the number of
reports of violence and abuse against migrant workers had risen sharply. At
least Dune wouldn't be around to
experience any of that, she just
had two more months to go to finish her 4 year contract. "Are you
looking forward to going home ?" " Yes "she nodded shyly. "
Do you think you'll be coming back to work in Cyprus ?" " I don't know,
I'd go back first, take a rest, and see what comes up." For migrant
workers the world's a huge job market. I met a Philippine maid who'd worked in
H K for a few years but was now working for a Russian family in Moscow . She was hired
because she cooked Chinese, a skill she'd picked up in H K.
There're several
other Vietnamese girls in the village, all hired to look after old
ladies (who seemed to be all the inhabitants there), and to help around the
shops. Dune made swans with pieces of folded up paper when the shop's quiet,
which would also be put up for sale. " How do you communicate with your
employer ? You speak Greek ?"" I learnt enough words to get
by " she said. " How do you get on with your
employer?"Before she could answer her old lady employer
came forward and offered me a small piece of candy-cake. She told Dune to
tell me it's a local snack, she's made a box of them herself specially for her
daughter who'd be visiting, because it's her favorite; but she'd like me to try
one. It was delicious ! The old lady was delighted I liked her cooking
so she gave me another one. Pity I didn't get the name of the
snack though. We were getting along so well I had to buy a pair of silver
earrings from them. The old lady seemed kindly, in 4 years some rapport
must have struck up between the unlikely two, as shown in the pictures.
The village is in the center
of the famous wine making region of Cyprus and visitors are invited to
sample local wine and Kelameila ( sweet liquor) for free at many
outlets. The medieval " Linos" (wine-press) is one of the oldest
in Cyprus
and proof that wine production took place in Omodos since ancient times.
In front of the Monastery is
a colorful, cobble-stoned square surrounded by souvenir stalls, coffee houses
and taverns, the only one of its kind in Cyprus . I followed my nose and
found Peter the Russian (guy in the fur hat). He and his friends just started a
roaring open-air BBQ cook-out in the square. Peter thrust a glass of beer
(after I declined a Vodka) into my hand and invited me to join them. Too
bad I was in a hurry to get back to the bus !
It's almost impossible not to
bump into Russians in Cyprus .
There're so many of them there.
Greek Cypriots and the
Russians have had a special relationship for centuries. Russians helped the
Greeks in their war for independence in the 1800s. Both nations share a rocky
history with the Turks, and a common religion. Cyprus
was the preferred place of Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs to park
their cash after the collapse of the Soviet Union because of a favorable
tax structure governed by sacrosanct European laws, but also because Cyprus banking
sector is notoriously opaque, an invaluable asset for any offshore financial
center. Consequently over the past two decades a large amount of Russian money
has been invested in this Eurozone's smallest economy. It was
estimated in 2013 about one half to a third of all Cyprus bank deposits ( $31
billion) are of Russian origin. A whole industry developed in Cyprus merely
to serve the Russian clientele. There're so many Russians in Limassol it was
regularly referred to as " Limassigrad".
There're suspicions that a
lot of the Russian money're the proceeds of crime and corruption, and Cyprus ' a haven
for money launderers and tax dodgers. Cyprus' also famous for the Russian
round-trip investment phenomenon : Cyprus accounts for the highest foreign
direct investment into Russia (2012) , but actually most of the
money were in fact Russian capitals deposited in shell companies in
Cyprus, then brought back as foreign investment to Russia.
For the €12 billion
loans , EU demanded Cyprus
to restructure its financial sector, shut down the Laiki Bank, assert
capital control by stopping people moving funds out of the
country, setting stringent cash machine withdrawal limits, and most controversially, imposed the unprecedented haircut of bank
deposits over €100,000. This was widely criticized for fundamentally going
against an unwritten writ that bank savings will always be safe, and the fear
that the Cypriot bailout would become a template for any future Eurozone
bailouts. The Cypriot bailout reflects nicely the
prevailing tension between Russia
and the EU. The fact that Russians, despite being the biggest asset
holders in Cyprus ,
was not even consulted on any rescue measure was telling. Germany 's unhappy with the heavy Russian
influence on the island, and Chancellor Merkel's tough stand on "dirty
money" from Russia was
the justification EU needed to impose the levies, and for the same reason Cyprus could be
explained as a one off case. However, British business owners in
Cyprus told Sky News they've
consistently heard anecdotal reports (no proof though ) that some Russians
were tipped off and massive amounts of money were moved out of Cyprus in the
days before the crisis began.
Platres, the last village we
visited is a popular hill resort since the British times, it's
situated on the southern slopes of the Troodos Mountains .
In bygone days the Forest Park Hotel was the preferred
hotel by notables such as King Farouk of Egypt and
Giorgos Seferis, the Nobel Prize winning poet ; it's also where the
British writer Daphne du Maurier wrote the novel "Rebecca". The
modern day celebrities tend to favor the cities. Before the financial crisis,
Columbia Beach Resort just outside Limassol in secluded Pissouri
Bay served stars such as Kim
Catrall ( Sex and the City), singer Mariah Carey, and Britain 's
Prince Harry ; Paul McCartney,
his girlfriend Nancy Shevell and daughter Beatrice were spotted staying in the
Anassa Hotel in Pathos, as was Emma Thompson, Rod Stewart and star
chef Gordon Ramsey. Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael Douglas and Catherine
Zeta-Jones, Elton John and Diana Ross were other big names that vacated there.
In 1878 Cyprus was ceded to Britain after the
British assisted the Ottomans to fence off the Russians. According to the
Cyprus Convention, Turkey
would retain sovereignty, while Britain
would shoulder the administration of Cyprus . This was a windfall for Britain for in 1875 Britain
purchased a key block of Suez Canal shares, this arrangement would secure the
sea-borne route to and from India ,
and Cyprus as a base for
operations in the Middle East and near Asia, greatly enhanced Britain 's dominance of the Eastern
Mediterranean . Not so much for Cyprus . Britain imposed heavy taxes and
exploited the island to cover the Ottoman Tribute for leasing the island, thereby
relieving the British tax payers of their obligation. By 1905, the payment had
used up nearly 43% of the island's revenue, greatly hindering its development.
In 1914 when Turkey sided
with Germany in World War I,
annexed the island and annulled the Convention of 1878, thereby payment of the
Tribute was stopped. Turkey
agreed to the annexation in 1923 under the Treaty of Lausanne and Cyprus became a
Crown Colony in 1925. but Britain
continued to collect the Tribute, though without any legal bases, until 1927.
To some historians, this is regarded as one of the major crimes against the
Cypriots by the British.
In the nineteenth
century the Orthodox and Muslim Cypriots shared a language, folklore,
economic and social hardships, and intermarried. There was a common Cypriot
identity which Britain
destroyed by equating Orthodox Cypriots with European Greeks. This
could in part because Greek Cypriots rallied whole- heartedly behind the
British in both World Wars, in the First War they fought together against the
Ottomans, and in the Second War some 30,000 Islanders volunteered for the
British Army when the Italians and Germans overran Greece . For
the first three decades Of British Rule not only were Greek nationalism and its
political groups tolerated but encouraged in Cyprus
: local newspapers were allowed to spread Hellenism and promote the demand for
union with Greece ,
the education system were allowed to disseminate a Greek identity. The case was
exactly as in India ,
a secular system's put in and Christian and Muslim Cypriots were divided along
ethnic and religious lines, the communities were polarized with inevitable consequences.
But British support for the
Hellenist backfired. British rule was opening challenged by the Cypriot
Greek nationalists, backed by the powerful Orthodox Church. In 1931 pro-enosis
riots broke out over the imposition of certain taxes, six civilians died and
the British Government House in Nicoxia was burnt down. But the campaign of
violence and armed struggle against British Rule only effectively took off
after Cypriot Lieutenant Colonel Georgos ' Digenis' Grivas launched
the EOKA( National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters) in April 1955.
Turkish Cypriots responded to enosis by calling for partition( taksim) as a
defense. The British declared a State of Emergency
in Nov that year. The Suez debacle in 1956
marked the beginning of the end of the British Empire in Africa and the Middle East . The nationalists took heart and increased
their demands for independence. Between 1955-1959 Ledra Street was nicknamed The
Murder Mile in reference to the frequent targeting of Brits by nationalist
fighters along its course. In 1959, with the death toll rising above 500, Britain , Greece
and Turkey hammered
out the Treaty of Zurich. In 1960 the prime ministers of all three countries
together with Archbishop Makarios III (Greek Cypriot, first President of
Cyprus) and Dr Fazil Kucuk (Turkish Cypriot, Vice-President ), signed the
London Accord, granting Cyprus independence.
The Constitution granted the
Turkish Cypriots 1/3 of the ministerial positions and seats in the House of
Representatives, in proportion to their percentage in the
population. Because of the Turkish Cypriots' extensive use of their veto
rights, the Greek Cypriots proposed constitution amendments which
the Turkish Cypriots perceived as threatening to power-sharing.
The Turkish Cypriot withdrew from the Government, and sectarian violence broke
out in 1963. The UN dispatched a peacekeeping force in 1964 to support British
troops manning the 'Green Line', which divided Nicosia into Greek and Turkish Cypriot
quarters . Amid all these unrest the Cold War was at its peak, Cyprus ' strategic value as a radar listening
post to monitor Soviet nuclear- missile testing in Central Asia became vitally
important to the US .
The Cypriot President Archbishop Makarios III was suspected to have
communist leanings, so on the 15th July 1974, CIA sponsored the Greek
right-wing military junta (who took over power in Greece by a coup in 1967) to
instigate a coup in Cyprus with the intention of eliminating Makarios and
install a more pro-Western Government. Makarios was ousted, and a former
EOKA member, the pro-enosis Nikos Sampson, was proclaimed President of
Cyprus. Five days later, ostensibly to protect Turkish Cypriots,
Turkish forces landed at Kyrenia. The three guarantor powers, Britain , Greece
and Turkey , as required by
the Treaty, met for discussion in Geneva , but it
proved impossible to halt the Turkish advance until the 16th August,
by which time Turkey
has taken the northern 37% of the island. The Cypriots negated both
"enosis" and Sampson, and the moderate Makarios III returned to
power in Dec, but the Turkish Army has remained ever since and the island is
still divided.
Cyprus' a harrowing story of
how small nations are played as pawns in this game of international politics by
the big nations, suffering sorrows and separations not of its own
The Venetian walls - Nicosia was originally surrounded by walls
built by the Venetians to protect the city against Turkish invasion in the
15th century and which are still
preserved to this day.
The new Archbishop's Palace
is the official residence and office of the Archbishop of Cyprus and is a
religious, national and political monument. It was built by the
Archbishop Makarios III between 1956-1960 in neo-Byzantine architecture
style. It's not open to the public. After Makarios died of a heart attack,
an autopsy was performed and his heart removed for examination. The heart has
since been kept in his former bedroom here.
The old Archbishop's Palace
was built in the 17th century, and since the completion of the new Archbishop's
Palace, it has housed the Folk Art Museum and the National Struggle Museum,
these and the Byzantine Museum, the Library of the Archbishopric which are
located on the grounds, are open to the public.
We only had half a day to
visit Kerynia in Northern Cyprus . For this we
had to go through three check points. We were warned beforehand we were only
allowed to take in the upper limit of € 260, two packets of
cigarettes, and no alcohol of course. Going through the check points we were
also warned not to loiter, keep in line, keep all the documents at hand and
never to take pictures. The atmosphere suddenly got quite tense. Our guide was
a Romanian lady called Daniela ( God is my Judge). In Southern Cyprus Romanians
constitute 13.6% of the population( 24,376) but is considerably less in the
We visited the Kyrenia Castle ;
the Shipwreck Museum ; the Ayia Sophia Cathedral
( Selimiye Mosque) and the Bellapais Abby.
Selimiye Mosque is the main
mosque of the Turkish controlled northern part of the walled city of Nicosia . This was
originally a Gothic Cathedral, Agia Sofia, built between 1208 and 1326 , it was
turned into a mosque with Nicosia's occupation by the Ottomans (1570) and two
minarets were added onto the building's west side. Much of the rich sculptural
decoration, the frescoes, sculptures and stained glass decoration depicting
scenes from the Old and New Testament were destroyed, as were the tombstones of
several Lusignan kings and princes . It was renamed Selimiye Mosque in 1954 in honor of
Sultan Selim II ( 1566-1574) who ruled Cyprus during the Ottoman
The old church courtyard has
been converted to a small shopping center with some really delightful Ma-and Pa
shops selling hand-make handicrafts. I found some earrings made from silk, the
shopkeepers actually kept the silkworms in the shop !
The Gothic Bellapais Abby (
Abby of Peace) was built between 1198 and 1205 by St Mary of the Mountain, Augustinians fleeing from Jerusalem when the city
fell to Saladin in 1187. Thierry the Archbishop of Cyprus, who's also
responsible for building Agia Sophia Cathedral, persuaded
the Augustinians to affiliate with the Premonstratensians in northern
France .
The monks adopted the white habits of the order, so the Bellapais
Abbey was nick-named the White Abby. The Abby prospered with large
donations from pilgrims after the knight Roger the Norman gave them a relic, a supposed fragment
of the cross. The riches of the Abby were plundered by the Genoese in 1373,the monks corrupted into promiscuity and the Abby became a center for
experimental polygamy. The Ottoman invasion in 1570 left the Abby in ruins, and
the monks were turned out of the Monastery. The village of Bellapais , made
famous by Lawrence Durrell in "Bitter Lemons", is said to be
populated by descendants of the monks.
The Kyrenia Castle
by the old harbor in Kyrenia was built by the Venetians in the 16th century
over a previous crusader fortress. The Castle's main function then was
military. During the British times it was used as a police barrack and training
school. They also used the Castle as a prison for members of the Greek Cypriot
EOKA organisation. Within the Castle're the tomb of the Ottoman Admiral Sadik
Pasha ; the 12th century Chapel of St George, and the Shipwreck Museum .
Following the Turkish
invasion of Cyprus
in 1974 the Kyrenia Department of Antiquities became custodian of the
The Shipwreck Museum
houses a 4th century BC Greek merchant ship discovered by Greek Cypriot diving
instructor Andreas Cariolou in Nov 1965 during a storm. He lost the exact
position of the ship and carried out over 200 dives until he re-discovered it
in 1967. The ship was salvaged by a team of marine archaeologists from the
University of Pennsylvania
and put on exhibition in the Shipwreck
Museum . 75% of the
ship's in good condition and it's one of the most remarkable marine
archaeological finds in the world. It measured 60 feet by 30 feet, it was
already 80 years old when it sank and had been repaired several times,
including a skin of lead applied to the outside to keep it watertight. Also
discovered were cargo the ship was carrying to Cyprus
before it was caught in a storm and sank : over 400 wine jars (amphorae),
possibly from the Greek island of Rhodes , and rows of basalt mill stones from the island of Kos . The storage of 9000 almonds
were probably part of the rations for the crew. Since nearly all
utensils in the ship were in 4s : 4 cups, 4 wooden spoons, 4 oil
jugs, there were likely to be 4 men in the crew. They would probably have
caught and eaten fish as 300 lead fishing net weights were found in the
bow of the ship.
Kyrenia has fine
climate, fertile soil and abundance of water, and is famous for
its citrous fruits. Before 1974 there was a vibrant mixed population of
Greek, Turk, Maronite, Armenian
and British people living cordially together. There were annual
traditional and cultural fairs and festivals, flower shows, yachting races,
concerts, theater performances and other cultural activities , making Kyrenia a
favored vacation spot for many wealthy Nicosia
families. Now the ethnic make-up is predominantly Turkish and Turkish-Cypriot.
The official language is of course Turkish. Educational system's similar to Turkey , there're 2 universities in Kyrenia, but
the degree's only recognized in Turkey .
I really enjoyed strolling
along the harbor front, lined by magnificent old buildings and filled with
cafes and restaurants. I met 2 French ladies on vacation in Kyrenia and had a
conversation of sorts with them, using huge amounts of
facial and body language. Many Europeans vacate in Northern
Cyprus because it's cheaper, though the majority of tourists are from Turkey because of
the casinos. Living standard's lower in Northern Cyprus ,
the average wage here is around US 800-900 per month.
Nefeli told us to wrap up
warm because we'd be going to the Troodos Mountain
the next day, and it'd be freezing cold." But the H K guide told me Cyprus 'll be
hot !" I wailed in dismay. I'd no shoes, not even socks. That evening I
went out in search of socks. It was not quite 7 PM but the main street of
Limassol was almost deserted. I nearly jumped out of my skin when out
of nowhere a man popped up by my side and said with a leer smile,"
You're very beautiful !" I bolted ! Loitering in the gathering
dusk were several groups of men, drinking beer and smoking. I felt
physically threatened by the way they looked at me, and twice had to duck into
the nearest shop and waited until they passed. These brought back all the
bad memories of travelling on my own in Greece some years
ago. The most significant shops in Limassol seemed to be topless bars and
casinos. The gift shops were filled with sleazy souvenirs with sexual
overtone, typical of seaside tourist towns.
The Monastery of Kykkos, the
biggest and most lavish of the monasteries in Cyprus ,
lies at an altitude of 1318 meters on the northwest face of Troodo Mountains .
It was founded around the end of the 11th century. According to legend, the
Byzantine Governor doux Manuel Boutoumites got lost in the forest while hunting
and met the hermit Esaisa, who ignored his request for help.
Boutoumites got angry and abused him. Whereupon on returning to Nicosia
Boutoumites fell ill, so he asked Esaisa for forgiveness and a cure. In return
Esaisa asked for the icon of the Virgin Mary ( Theotokos) that was painted by
the apostle Luke to be brought to Cyprus
from the Imperial Palace at Constantinople .
The daughter of the Emperor happened to have the same illness as
Boutoumites, who then told the Emperor his daughter would be cured if
he sent the icon to Cyprus .
It was said during the procession of the icon to the Troodos Mountains ,
the trees on both sides of the road bent their trunks and branches in worship.
A bird with human voice flew over Kykkos and sang :" Kykko, Kykko, Kykkos
Hill; A monastery the site shall fill; A golden girl shall enter in; And never
shall come out again" Hence a church and monastery was built at
Kykkos, where the icon remained for the past 900 years, never to come out
again. Many other miracles have been attributed to the icon.
The first President of
Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios III served at the Monastery as a novice in the
1920s and 1930s. He was very fond of the place and returned there many times.
In 1974 when he was under pursuit by the military junta in the coup,
he sought refuge in the monastery, as a result the building was hit by
tank fire and part of it collapsed. At his own request he was buried on the
summit of Throni after his death in 1977, 3 kilometers west of the
monastery, not far from his native village
of Panayia .
Nefeli was right, Troodos Mountains
was freezing cold ! All the way up there was thick fog and snow, and
fallen rocks strewn all over the road.
We lunched at Maria Cafe, not
far from the Troodos Square .
It's a small family run diner, friendly and cosy. The owner was pleased we used
his service, for we were the only tourists in Troodos that day.
That's all in the past,
what's in the future for Cyprus ?
While the bailout enabled Cyprus
to remain in the Eurozone, it leaves the country with enormous debt
and years of financial pain ahead. But all is not lost as changes're already
put in place. Overblown banking
and public sectors are being cut down to size, and Government bureaucratic
procedures streamlined to reduce cost to the private sector ; labor costs have
fallen as has the power of the labor unions; closed jobs are being
opened up, increasing the flexibility of the labor market. Cyprus boasts of a
highly skilled and disciplined work force providing world-class accounting,
legal, engineering and other business and technical services, as it has one of
the highest percentage of university graduates in the world, all English
speaking. Land and real estate
prices ( also rental ) have fallen, so has the cost of electricity (previously
the highest in Europe), all
these make Cyprus
an attractive investment destination. The discovery of mammoth gas reserves in
the Levant Basin is also a big boost up for this
blighted island in the sun, though tangible benefits will take at least a few
years to materialize.
In the meantime, hali tihi Cyprus ! good luck
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