What brightened my days the most when I first started working in CUHK after working in Kwun Tong , an industrial part of HK, were the flowers on the campus.
I wanted to paint them but decided it's too boring just to paint flowers, so I put in a Chinese lady with the flowers.
All the flowers can be found on the CU campus.
The CU campus has changed greatly, especially these past few years, and not all for the better. It'd a real shame if this beautiful place of study and work is lost through insane development in the name of progress.
This painting was exhibited in The Exhibition of Raw Art from HK and Taiwan , 23.3-16.4,2002, Artist Commune, Cattle Depot Artist Village ; Natural Expression of Raw Art, Macau Museum of Art , Nov 2003; "Painting Exhibition by Dr. Memie Kwok" (郭園醫生繪畫作品展) organized by the Art Promotion Committee: April 27 - May 22, 2004