While travelling in Israel in 1995 we took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee , fed the birds and reminisced the story of the Five Loaves and Two Fishes.
The story goes like this :
A great multitude came to the bank of the Sea of Galilee to hear Jesus preach.
As the day drew to a close everyone was hungry, but there was no food apart from 5 loaves and 2 fishes offered up by a small boy .
Jesus worked a miracle and fed 5000 people with the small amount of food till everybody's full.
Another parable from the Bible tells us the birds in the sky do not work , yet they are fed to their content ; the flowers in the field do not weave, yet they're clothed in the most delicate finery .
What the parables are trying to say is there's no need to worry about our daily needs as long as we have faith .
However, this generation might reduce even the Gods to despair : the loaves are used to feed the birds, and the fishes aren't even caught yet !