To the Chinese , water is money, so this is the return of wealth from all corners of the Earth .
The mountains in the far back represent the level of fame one hopes to attain, so of course it has to be the Everest !
The player flags are from Nepal , the people there believe every time the flags flutter in the wind , a prayer is being sent to Heaven.
So I have the prayers sent from the highest mountain on Earth straight to Heaven !
The hills on the foreground are the Pai Sin Ridges of Tai Po, which I see every day through my window in the Clinic where I work .
The water from the mountain is the North Water.
The Three Gorges Dam is the Water from the East ,
The Niagara Falls is water from the West;
and the fountain in the front is Water from the South.
All waters ( wealth ) go into a deep quiet lake in the middle and is stored there undisturbed .
One island in the middle is filled with crystals , which are supposed to have magical powers .
The other island has on it the Blue Lotus flower, used by the ancient Egyptians for vitality and strength.
The Heavenly Ladder represents the height one's career can attain , and the tree at the left corner is a plum tree .
I thought , wrongly as it turned out, that the plum blossom is the National Flower of China, I was later told it's the emblem of Taiwan . Oh well !
Another observant friend pointed out I got East and West the wrong way round .
Hmmmm......... I already know I'm muddled and have absolutely no direction sense, so what's new !?
This painting was exhibited in the 40th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Federation of Medical Societies Art Exhibition, Homg Kong Cultural Center, 2005.