I went on the Outward Bound Leadership training course and sailed to the Phillipines in 87 .
Right after we left the HK waters we were hit by a gale storm ; the waves were over 10 feet high and it was so bad the wind broke one of the masts and took out the satellate antenna.
We thought about turning back but the weather behind us was said to be even worse , so we decided to press on.
I was sick as a dog , as were quite a lot of my fellow Outward Bounders ,but we still had to climb up to the masts to tie down the sails.
I have a desperate fear of heights , and looking up at the figures dangling on the mast , all you could see were their butts.
The storm passed and we arrived at a remote island in the Phillipines where we did the on-land training .
We had to pass through some fish nets to get to the island and had fresh coconuts cut from the coconut trees.